Founder Amie Foster, is a BHS Accredited Professional Stage 4 Dressage Coach and Listed British Dressage Coach.
Amie has always loved the training side of horse and rider. She has trained riders from grassroot to affiliated level BD and BSJA. She also helps those who have lost confidence with their riding.
Its always been Amie's aim to open up a riding club that is supportive and welcoming. But most of all an approved club that offers quality competitions, approved training and clinics.
Amie coaches nation wide and this is what she wanted to achieve with her riding club. The aim was to have AE Riding Clubs nation wide, up and down the country.
At the start of April 2022 AEUK was Launched with its first club AE Derby and District Riding Club. With its successful year, Amie decided to open up its sister site, which launches January 2023.
Its an exciting future for AEUK Riding Clubs. We really do hope you enjoy our clubs offering you approved, quality, friendly riding clubs, why don't you come and see what we are all about?